Ohňostroj pro události

Finishing a prestigious ceremony with a professional fireworks display has become a commonplace these days. Therefore, we can offer you the optimal solutions which will highlight all the company events or city festivals. By using the specific pyrotechnic effects the colours of the display can be made to match the company colours of the client. We specialize in the pyrotechnic logos of any size and shape. Our offer has been prepared to serve the purposes of a variety of events: opening and closing galas, New Year’s nights in the cities, award ceremonies, etc. As we are not only the suppliers but also the designers of the pyrotechnic effects, we have unlimited possibilities to create any kind of pyrotechnic spectacle according to your wishes. All our displays are executed by the trained pyrotechnicians having years of experience. The shows are performed by the use of one of the world’s best computer firing systems for pyrotechnics – GALAXIS.

Sztuczne ognie na eventy

Podívejte se na naše videa

ŚREDNIA INTENSYWNOŚĆ STRZELANIA1,5 strzału na sekundę, co daje 90 strzałów na minutę
INNEWykorzystanie bomb cylindrycznych (ładunki wieloefektowe)
EFEKTYWybór efektów z ponad 300 w różnych kształtach, kolorach i kalibrach (m. in. Peonie, pająki, wierzby, bukiety kwiatów, motyle, komety, pawie ogony, chryzantemy, wstążki, fale, wachlarze, migoczące gwiazdy i inne).
MOŻLIWOŚĆ ZASTOSOWANIA TZW. UKŁADÓW SPECJALNYCHStrzelanie seriami (np. w danej sekundzie seria takich samych efektów na niebie – forma bardzo podobająca się publiczności, lub seria różnych efektów – wrażenie tzw. choinki). Strzelanie ładunkami lekko pod kątem, co daje wrażenie pokazu wielopunktowego, zakrywa niemal całe niebo nad widzami. Specjalny efekt finałowy – w tym samym czasie na różnych wysokościach (od 200 do 500 metrów) pojawiają się efekty rosnące do olbrzymich rozmiarów, w efekcie przyjmujące kształt wielopoziomowej choinki.
MINIMALNA STREFA BEZPIECZEŃSTWAZostanie określona po wizji lokalnej i rozpoznaniu terenu.

A choice of one proposal does not limit the possibility of enhancing the show by the elements from the other proposals presented on the website or by adding some additional effects.

All the presented proposals are based on shooting the loadings from one location. Depending on the terrain conditions, it is possible to expand the display by using several shooting sites.

Every firework presentation is arranged to a carefully chosen and professionally prepared piece of music. The sound system is provided by the organizer of the show.

In our offer you can find some other proposals to enhance your events and make them really special:

  1. Stage pyrotechnics (also for indoor use) – fountains, flashes, stroboscopes, sparks waterfalls, smokes, flames, a pyrotechnic heart with fountains, a pyrotechnic double heart with the Cupid’s arrow and fountains.
  2. Day pyrotechnics – cakes with a colourful smoke, a confetti and serpentine shooter
  3. Additional attractions – bubble machines, fire and CO2 projectors, machines producing low smoke, birthday flowers with music, ice fountains, sparklers
  4. Professional pyrotechnics – the professional pyrotechnic shows combining spectacular visual effects with wonderful music. They will make any event a truly unforgettable experience

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